On-the-go: Introduction to Computer Networks and Internet Technologies


The seminar “Introduction to Computer Networks & Internet Technologies” is organized by the specialized high-tech company Digital Academy created by the Group of Lecturers of the NTUA Multimedia Technology Laboratory. It is an intensive seminar that is carried out exclusively by the Distance Learning method, allowing the learner to follow a high-level scientific training program Introduction

Purpose of the seminar

The purpose of the training program is to provide the necessary resources and scientific qualifications to people who already work in companies or are studying and wish to acquire introductory knowledge in the field of Computer Networks and Internet technologies. The course starts from scratch and is intended for people who have no previous experience Purpose of the seminar

After the seminar

After the seminar the trainee will be able to:



According to our training program, the material is divided into 10 training modules and is concluded with a final assignment lasting two weeks. The program uses the latest version of the free software (open source) Moodle, which is based on the PhP programming platform. The online courses are hosted on proprietary servers incorporating state-of-the-art technologies Methodology