
Purpose of the seminar

The purpose of the training program is to provide the necessary resources and scientific qualifications to programmers and other interested parties with little prior knowledge of programming through a Windows-based environment. The course is intended for people who have no previous experience in dynamic WEB programming or have very limited experience and would like to Purpose of the seminar

After the seminar

After the seminar, the trainee will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to: To know the PHP programming language, and the principles of dynamic WEB programming.To develop critical thinking and initiative in simple planning and problem solving following simple programming methods.To be able to implement simple PHP applications and sites (forms, database integration). Critical thinking, After the seminar


The seminar “Designing Dynamic Websites with PHP and MySQL” is organized by the specialized high-tech company Digital Academy created by the Group of Lecturers of the NTUA Multimedia Technology Laboratory. It is an intensive seminar carried out exclusively by the Distance Learning method, allowing the learner to follow a high-level scientific training program from his Introduction

Introduction to the Java programming language

These notes were developed by the presenters of the introduction to the Java programming language seminar, which from 2005-2012 was organized and supported by the Multimedia Technology Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens. These notes are available to Java seminar students

The science of cycling

Η ποδηλασία είναι η χρήση του ποδηλάτου για μεταφορά, ψυχαγωγία και άσκηση, ιδιαίτερα διαδεδομένη σε όλον τον κόσμο. Το ποδήλατο δεν αποτελεί μόνο ένα απλό μέσο μεταφοράς, αλλά και ένα μέσο συνδυαστικής κάρπωσης των θετικών εκβάσεων της σωματικής άσκησης και της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος. Ο μαγικός συνδυασμός προαγωγής και ενδυνάμωσης της φυσικής κατάστασης, της ψυχοπνευματικής The science of cycling

Mobile Applications

E-learning Seminars

Digital Marketing