On-the-go: Introduction to Photoshop


The seminar “Introduction to Photoshop” is organized by the specialized high-tech company Digital Academy created by the Group of Lecturers of the NTUA Multimedia Technology Laboratory. It is an intensive seminar that is carried out exclusively by the Telelearning method, allowing the learner to follow a high-level training program from home, the office or from Introduction

Purpose of the seminar

The purpose of the training program is to provide the necessary supplies to people who are already working or studying and wish to acquire basic knowledge on the Photoshop program. The seminar starts from scratch and is aimed at people who have no or limited experience in the program and want to deepen or expand Purpose of the seminar

After the seminar

After the seminar, the trainee will have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to: In order to fully understand the concepts that will be mentioned in the sections of the seminar, exercises related to the corresponding chapter have been included, which the trainee is invited to carry out.


Section 01: Introduction to Photoshop and its desktop Section 02: Transformations and Selections Section 03: Pen and Brush tools Section 04: Type – About typographic elements Section 05: Masks – Introduction to masks Section 06: Adjustment Layers – What they are and how they are used Section 07: Filters and Smart Objects Section 08: Introduction Topics


According to our educational program, the material is divided into 10 educational units where the last one is completed through a final assignment lasting two weeks. The program uses the latest version of the free software (open source) Moodle, which is based on the PhP programming platform. The online courses are hosted on proprietary servers Methodology