
The seminar “Introduction to C# and .NET 4.0” is organized by the specialized high-tech company Digital Academy created by the Team of Speakers of the NTUA Multimedia Technology Laboratory. It is an intensive seminar that takes place exclusively with the Distance Learning method, allowing the learner to follow the program from the place and time of his choice, via the Internet.

The program is designed in such a way as to introduce the learner to the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and the special features of the C# language, but also to the .NET framework, which is the most appropriate way to develop modern applications on Microsoft platforms. Through a series of 12 training modules completed over a period of 4 weeks and corresponding to 140-160 hours of lessons.

Learners will gain an in-depth insight into the syntax and class library of the most popular language for .NET, C#, as well as the main features of the .NET framework.